H igh Re l ia bi l i ty, Fre e Of D e f e c ts The new servo-driven T Series, equipped with 21 tools as a standard, offers the highest level of reliability due to improved acceleration and deceleration performance resulting from the optimized spindle length.
NC System with Wide Range of Specifications f o r E xc el l e nt Perf o rman ce Fanuc NC eliminate idle time and maximize system productivity.
En ha n ce d S t a b il i t y a n d Use r Co nven ien c e User convenience has been improved by reducing the machine and table heights and optimizing the center of gravity.
Doosan's new tapping center offers improved quality and increased productivity.The new tapping center delivers best in class productivity by providing superior machining capabilities, a higher feed rate, and a faster tool change time when machining components for the Automotive and IT industries.
Reliability Enhanced with a High-rigidity Structural Design Improved structural design and increased rigidity, realized through FEM analysis, guarantees a stable machining platform.
The machine's compact design delivers greater user convenience and requires minimal floor space.
The newly designed, direct-coupled spindle offers greater productivity coupled with excellent reliability and rapid acceleration/ deceleration.
The spindle length has been minimized to reduce the time required for acceleration/ deceleration and idle time, resulting in greater productivity and reduced vibration and noise.
Thermal error of the spindle is calculated with the spindle temperature feedback and automatically compensated to maintain the highest level of work accuracy.
Power and torque of the spindle motor have increased beyond the levels of previous models to deliver more powerful machining.
Machine reliability has been improved with the new servo magazine, while productivity has been enhanced by reducing the tool change time.
The servo-motor driven position control system has passed the two-million-cycles test, proving its excellent reliability and durability.
Multi-functionality including end milling, face milling, drilling, tapping, etc., enhanced machining performance and minimized work setting.
Diverse optional devices and features available to meet specific customer requirements.